Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Perfect Perfectionism Isn't Always Peachy

"I think I want to write blogs like that." I kinda wistfully said to The Hans Man (aka the ever-supportive husband) after reading one of my favorite blogs the other night. He then said, "Why don't you?".....

Hmm....I had tossed around the idea before but everytime my little perfectionist self would battle that thought right down to the ground in my little brain. And here comes the point of my first post:

Perfect Perfectionism Isn't Always Peachy!

I can just hear my momma giggle as she sees me associate myself with any sort of perfectionism (I think my bed at home still looks like ground zero!). Truth is I think we all battle with some sort of ideal image that we believe we should fit ourselves to just like Playdough in a mold. I know I do! I MUST be the BEST wife, the BEST employee my boss has ever worked Legos with, and my house should be spotless and one speck of laundry not folded on the day that I do my monthly shopping-cook-clean entire house-go to work-entertain company= FAILURE! I should be able to get ALL of my list of things to do finished by the alloted time I have so chosen or...=FAILURE!

I blame college for. Some could blame their poor lil mommas, or how many spankings they received, or what they ate that day (ya never know!)
Don't get me wrong I ABSOLUTELY LOVED COLLEGE! Some of the best 4 years came from college life. But what college brought out in me was the need to have everything scheduled and completed on time and if this didn't occur then something (activity, paper, lesson plan, quality family time, etc.) got kicked to the curb. Was less then my ideal idea = I failed somewhere.

This brings me to why I waited to create a blog. 'What if I can't write like the other blogs I read?' 'What if it's less than my ideal image?'
But ya know what I have come to realize (besides the fact that I'm kinda nuts and I like chocolate way to much!) is that God doesn't expect perfection from me. He expects me to lean on His strength and empowerment. His wisdom with how to order my days and His daily provision/empowerment is what got me through college. Truth is it is what gets me through each day since college and ever before college. We re supposed to do tasks to our BEST, but if our BEST makes us look down upon ourselves (God's beautiful and wonderfully made creations) and run around like a chicken with its head cut off holding laundry and a pot of boiling water- then possible perfection is not what we're accomplishing.

What are your thoughts?


  1. You sound like me pre-children! Now I just have those thoughts in my head but they never flesh out in reality. But here's the thing about getting my 20's that would have made me feel like a failure and sent me into a downward spiral, in my 30's it's more like "well, moving on...." You'll find your rhythm one day and it will be perfect for YOU! Love the blog and love you!

    1. LOL! So I love reading your blog and it was after reading something you posted that I turned to Hans! But I didn't want to give you big head so I didnt say that in my first post. You'd look awkward with a big head and then your family would have to live with an awkward looking mom. :p

    2. You are HILARIOUS. My body is getting bigger, so my head may as well catch up, but that's beside the point....thanks for linking up! I'm glad you started putting your thoughts out into the world!

  2. Welcome to the world of Blogging. You are so right. If we wait to have the perfect set up to do something, we have set our start date to "never". I have been blogging for a year and I really love all 5 people who read it but I seriously thought about quitting in January. I prayed about it and God clearly confirmed he wanted me to carry on. Sometimes we don't need to do things for "success", there are actually a million other great resons to do things.
    Love ya.

    1. I read yours also, but never became a follower. So please don't quit!
